Fab City Montreal: an amazing 2-days event connecting the Americas

Fab City Montreal: an amazing 2-days event connecting the Americas

The “Montréal Fab City Campus meets the Americas” took place from 15 and 16th of June, 2023. It featured the 1st Fab City Laugh&Learn and many other exciting exchanges for the Fab City community.

The Fab City Campus Montréal 2023 was a major two-day hybrid event (online & in person) that brought together over 2000 key players involved in city resilience, to discuss the biodiversity of the Americas and connect stakeholders for positive change. 

Fab City community participated in different activities throughout the event. Fab City Foundation director, Tomas Diez, welcomed our community during the inauguration of the event.

Also, a highlight was the 1st “Fab City Laugh&Learn”, a meet-up of the Fab City community where members of our global network share in a fun and distributed way what they have been doing to advance the Fab City agenda in their localities toward locally productive and self-sufficient cities. 

 1st Fab City Laugh&Learn, June 2023

In this first edition of the event, Fab City São Paulo (Brazil) and Montreal (Canada), and Fab Region Yucatán (Mexico) shared their local initiatives. São Paulo presented the experience with the network of 13 public Fab Labs, mostly located in underprivileged areas of the city. Montreal shared its local roadmap towards becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. Yucatán showcased several innovation projects promoting citizen participation and smart sensing, which are some of the prized. 

Other featured Fab City community exchanges include:

  • The Mexican Fab City Network (Yucatán, Guanajuato, Puebla & León) met in a “Fab City, Innovation and Social Economy” discussion panel.
  • The Brazilian Fab City Network (São Paulo, Sorocaba, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Curitiba) hosted a meet-up during the event to design common strategies to further activate their fab cities and work in a network manner.
  • The Fab City Collective hosted its monthly meeting during the event and discussed the opportunities for connections between the Collective and the Fab City Network.
 Mexican Fab City Network “Fab City, Innovation and Social Economy” discussion panel, June 2023
Fab City Collective meeting, June 2023

For more details about the event, check:

From Fab City Foundation, we would like to congratulate Fab City Montreal for facilitating this amazing community gathering. We hope this effort inspires our community to promote more and more events for exchange, knowledge sharing and networking.

About the author

Fab City


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