Fab City Challenge

Applications for Fab City Challenge Mexico are closed!

Fab Challenge Report 2022: Ideated, Prototyped Tested Solutions

A unique format of collaboration that brings together local and global innovation communities to propose meaningful outcomes that respond to urgent areas of intervention in cities and regions as a driver of change.

The Fab City Challenge is a collaborative innovation initiative designed to address social, environmental, and economic issues, known as ‘Challenges,’ on a local scale. The program encompasses critical areas of intervention, where global teams collaborate with local initiatives to conceptualize and prototype design solutions. The methodology involves a well-structured organizational and implementation strategy, supported by tools, workshops, guidelines, and frameworks guiding participants through the entire challenge process—from initiation to implementation, evaluation, and knowledge sharing.

About the Challenge

  • FORMAT: Participants are invited to travel and join the challenge in person
  • LOCATION: The challenge takes place in a local context with global involvement.
  • LENGHT: The annual challenge runs for 10 days, but other challenge formats can range in lenght.
  • LANGUAGE: During the challenge both the local language and English are spoken.”


*FCCMex24 is part of the 20th edition of the Fab Lab Conference and Symposium

Anyone can host a global-local challenge in their city, region, or country by partnering with their local fablabs, communities, schools, organisations to work on urgent areas of intervention in their context.

Participants Profiles

Local & Global Experts

Local and global experts and enthusiasts such as students, academics, professionals and other practitioners of design, making, digital fabrication, organising and activism who bring their skills to the challenge.

Technologies & Methodologies

Individuals from existing projects, technologies or methodologies that deal with or might fit into one or more of the challenge areas.

Networks & Organisations

Individuals from Networks and organisations of practice that add value in the form of specific knowledge, skills or experience including universities, advocacy movements and communities of practice.

Challenge Partners

Challenge Testimonials

Fab City Challenges create valuable outcomes and generate impact to benefit all stakeholders involved from the community to governmental levels.
The program offers the conditions for global-local teams to work on local needs with an innitiative to propose, prototype, and implement design outputs.

The Outcomes

  • Open-sourse design outcomes - developed during the challenge to tackle wickel problems
  • Seed-funding - to realise winning projects after the challenge"
  • Documentation - to analyse and generate evidence of the impact on the local context through global dissemination
  • Long-lasting collaborations - to kickstart promising and meaningful partnerships for a thriving ecosystem well beyond the event"

Team Curation

Teams are selected through a careful curation process considering amongst others the following criteria. This process is done with the host organisations.

  • Alinging participants interest/preference of the areas of intervention
  • Variety in skills and professions – balancing peoples expertise
  • Balance in diversity of backgrounds – age, gender, nationality

Programs Structure








Josefina Nano

Josefina Nano

Programs Lead

Daan Sonnemans

Daan Sonnemans

Programs Manager

Mitalee Parikh

Mitalee Parikh

Projects & Innovation Lead

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