

Advanced technologies and methods to enhance co-creation process and maximize urban regeneration impacts

The Goal

The primary aim of GreenInCities is to build a new co-creative, integrated and collaborative approach for planning urban climate regeneration in deprived and dysfunctional areas through the development and testing of innovative co-analysis, co-designing and co-monitoring tools and methodologies for people, technicians and decision makers.

The Solution

GreenInCities goes beyond classical greening and re-naturing interventions and adopts technologies enabling personalization, the use of innovative materials improving circularity of solutions, and novel practices to reconnect people together and with nature. The novel solutions included will combine Nature-Based Solutions with New European Bauhaus principles to bring higher quality, attractiveness and inclusiveness to the urban space. But it doesn’t end with tools. We’re building a Dynamic Community of Practices, where citizens, experts, technicians, and decision-makers will come together for mutual learning and collaboration

Type of Project

European Horizon 2020 program.

Main Outputs

The project envisions 4 'flagship' outputs: 1) Expanded knowledge on greening and re-naturing interventions. 2) Adapting tools for citizen science to co-creation approaches for increased diversity and representation. 3) Novel application of digital twinning to predict and monitor greening and re-naturing interventions’ performances. 4) Integrate Augmented Reality (AR) technology in simulations and prediction tools to facilitate visualization of interventions effects and make participatory process more appealing

Our Contribution

The Fab City Foundation plays a crucial role in the GreenInCities project by driving outreach, dissemination, and exploitation activities. We connect and collaborate with EU & Global Clusters and key initiatives like the Cities Mission Platform and Climate Adaptation Mission. Our efforts strengthen consortium partnerships with public and private sector stakeholders.

We lead research-driven communication strategies and orchestrate targeted dissemination activities to share project findings widely. Additionally, we support various project tasks, ensuring effective coordination and execution.

Through R&D-focused workshops, we disseminate innovative results and streamline the replication process, contributing to urban climate regeneration and enhancing the project's impact.


  • IAAC-Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia