Fab City Network Grows to 49 Members in Bali
3 Regions, 4 Cities, 1 Island
Monday 17 October, the Governor of Bali Governor of Bali, Dr. Ir. I Wayan Koster, M.M. declared Bali the world’s First “Fab Island” to Drive Economy and Technology Tourism in Indonesia.
Bali will be the center of knowledge exchange and the door that will encourage the development of the world’s digital fabrication technology in the country, and drive the future of Indonesia’s economy and tourism.
Bali joined the Fab City Network as one of 8 new members including the three regions of Südburgenland Austria, Guanajuato Mexico, and Papua Indonesia; and the cities of Ljubljana Slovenia, Parepare Indonesia, Pemkab Bangka Tengah Indonesia, Sumedang Indonesia.

Bali Fab Fest continues to be a milestone for the Fab City Global Initiative. As the first physical meeting after the pandemic, the Fab City Foundation has co-facilitated workshops, working groups, and panels to support the ongoing development of the Fab City Network and Fab City Collective. Monday 17 also saw the kick-off of the Master in Distributed Design and Innovation (MDDI).
To see more about Bali Fab Fest and schedule visit bali.fabevent.org 🌴