Centrinno Focus Group #5:
Fab City Hubs
Circular innovation processes need physical and hybrid spaces in which productive activities are experimented from the bottom-up, based on the collaboration between different stakeholders and a democratic access to technology and knowledge.
Emerging from the Fab City Global Initiative, the Fab City Hub represents an evolution of the Fab Lab, towards CENTRINNO Focus Group.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 869595 embodied exploration and prototyping within and beyond the four walls of a physical space.
Thus, the space can vary between centralized or distributed (Circumscribed space, neighbourhood or city level).
It aims to implement new ways of working, living and playing in our cities driven by a critical application of design and making skills to produce energy, food and materials. It draws on the power of community to co-design situated responses to local needs and ignites global knowledge exchange at distance via networks of like-minded actors.